Sunday, December 30, 2012

Today I did a little FMQ

 5 Days before Christmas Day, not the best way to get out of cooking!!!!!

After the first week I found out it was a very bad sprain and a crack in a bone in my ankle.  But the x-rays showed there was an old brake which I did not know about.  How could that happen without knowing!!!!!!!
Check out the cushion!!!!! Found a use for it!!!!!!!!

 One great thing that has come from it is my husband has had to learn to cook after 42 years of marriage now there is no excuse!!!!!!!
I have been watching a lot of quilting DVDs, and doing a bit of red work, reading quilting books BUT today I did a little FMQ using my left foot on the foot control.  I have to keep my leg up as much as possible, then back to fracture clinic on the 11th Jan....................


  1. Hugs, my dear. So sorry to hear of the break and sprain. Hope you heal quickly and without issue. has a few free classes, check them out for some entertainment.

  2. Aw Liz. That's going a bit far to get a rest huh?? Hope you make a fast recovery but just do as you're told in the meantime!! Take care and Happy New Year!
